Monday, December 15, 2008

Let's wrap this thing up.

Today, I did that which I previously thought impossible: I wrote the final exam for civ and felt good walking out. My hand hurt, but my head was emptied. As I handed it to Dr. Sanders I almost said, "Well, here goes nothing."

And so now it really does feel like the semester is ending. I mean, I still have a Hebrew exam which is going to KILL, but I feel like I know how to prepare for that, and for the love of all that is holy, it won't take 8 hours of studying.

I'll be home on Friday. I'll be at Minsky's on Saturday. Break will be... interesting. It will be interesting to see how God moves in this time I'm away from school.

Things I am excited about:
-Making some money
-Possible trip to Kville to see seester.
-God's goodness
-New chapel crew
-Chapel crew "retreat"
-reading things just because I want to. :]

I think that's a pretty good size list. I guess I'm pretty happy. Oh, and I have some really good friends. And I'm thankful for that. 6 weeks will be a long time.

Much love.

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