Monday, February 23, 2009

It's business time.

Did some business with Jesus this weekend. It was good. And intense. And... trippy. But I'll get to the point.

If Jesus was coming back tonight, would you be ready? Or would you feel like you were missing out on something?

For example, Jesus showed me that I didn't want to miss out on things like marriage or kids. But if I say, "Jesus, just wait to come back until I get to go to grad school, or get to be a wife, or get to be a mom..." then those are all just desires that I have put before him.

And you know what those are called? Idols.

So he really challenged me-- are you willing to count all of those things as loss for the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ? Will you be like Paul and really think, for me to live is Christ, then to die is gain?

I don't know if that made sense, and I'm using a lot of commas. I apologize. Like I said, trippy weekend.

All of that to say, I feel like God is weeding out my heart, one thing at a time, until all that's left is Him. Every time I think the weeds are gone, we begin all over again.

It's a good season.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

At least I learned something?

Don't do D-nows for people you don't know. It's a bad idea.

Drama in my life.

However, I loved my girls. I hope they collided with God.

I feel like I'm just at a point where my only desire is for everything in my life to be for the glory of God. He is my first and only love. I just really want everything to be for him.

It's a good place to be. You are welcome to come join me. :)


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Why, yes.

Things I must put in your hands:

my heart.
waking up.

Amen. [It's Yours.]

Friday, February 06, 2009


For you, I sing I dance.

I rejoice in this divine romance.


Monday, February 02, 2009

I wish I may, I wish I might...

My hearts hurts.

And I'm just not sure what to do with it.

Happy Groundhog's Day.