Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I promised to be nice.

So, here is my post about how awesome something is.

2009-- my year in review.

As I thought about this year, I realized that the God that I serve is really freaking good. 2009 has been a year of such huge growth in my life that I can't help but just get excited when I think about it. For real, I would say this has been the best year of my life. Highlights?

-Prayer fast- 70 days, just me and Jesus, rocking my world and changing my heart.
-Chapel Crew Co-Chair- the good, the bad, and the ugly all turns into God using a group of people committed to seeking his heart for their community. God taught me so much about faithfulness, my unbelief, and His goodness.
-Overseas- best. summer. ever. Learned so much about grace. God really revamped my entire notion of what it is to follow Him.
-Camp- watching the kids I have loved for so long really step up to the plate and get it. Not to mention dancing to MGMT with my brother.
-Just general growing up and learning. God has stretched me a lot overall. Also, I turned 20 this year, moved out of dorms and into an apartment. My friends collectively grew up and we all got to a point where we can just do life together. We can talk about important things and stupid thing and it's just... good.

So there's something for almost every color of the rainbow. I pray that 2010 continues the huge leaps in my walk that 2009 brought. Also, 2010 marks that I have been a Christian here for 10 years-- which is nuts. I've seen so many awesome things and learned so much about what it means to be a simple follower hungry for the Kingdom of God. I know I still have so far to go.

There you have it. Generally, life is awesome, because God is good [All the time!] and all the time [God is good!]. At least, I think that's how that goes.

To Him who can do far more abundantly than all we can ask or imagine-- to His name be glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus, forever and ever, amen!


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