Tuesday, May 04, 2010

The good news is:

I have turned in my last two assignments and now all I have to do is read and study for finals. I'm going to be home in 9 days. NUTS! I think this is the first time I actually get to enjoy "dead week." Oh, OBU.

This is by no means the ten best things, but only ten good things that I am thinking of right now. I don't have a good enough memory to do the ten best. Also, my journals are not here. SO, top ten countdown of my ten years with Jesus in pseudo chronological order-- here we go.

1. Speaking at TPX Retreat (2010)
2. Summer in Central Asia (2009)
3. Prayer fast (2008-2009)
4. Jamaica, pt. 2 (2008)
5. Dancing in worship for the first time (2007)
6. Silent Retreat (2007)
7. Mentoring one of the coolest girls I have ever met (2006-present)
8. Teenstaff (2004-2007)
9. Meeting the Holy Spirit (2004)
10. Finding Gateway (2004)

Ok. So we've been a little top-heavy. But what can I say? I had to get out of my Christian-music-only phase and become a real person before I could do anything super phenomenal.

It keeps getting better.

1 comment:

Armstrong's said...

Hey Veronica,
Found your blog via Facebook I think? Anyways- love your humor, your honesty and your transparency. We're glad you're staying around good 'ole BS for the summer! See you soon!