Friday, March 19, 2010


Oh twitter. You have rocked my world.

Things I have done over spring break:
-Shutter Island (excellent.)
-Alice in Wonderland-- the 3D Imax experience, no less. (Even more excellent.)
-Family birthday celebration
-Quiet times for retreat. Special thanks to Adam and Scott for their help (the Risinger kind, not the Sterling kind, for those of you keeping score at home).

Things I have not done over spring break:
-any form of school work.
... this is going to be a problem. I didn't even move my homework out of the trunk of my car until today. Tomorrow is going to be a day of productivity-- or I'm going to fail a couple of tests next week. I guess we'll just see what the cards hold.

And since we are listing I will give you a brief summary of some things I learned about marriage and family.
-Some causes of poverty are systemic.
-I still don't know what to do about that.
-Divorce does not necessarily ruin kids.
-Legalizing gay marriage is really probably going to happen... and it's because of changes that heterosexuals made to marriage.
-Liberals and conservatives both tend to fail at life (and policy writing).

-- maybe instead of crusading for marriage and berating people for divorce, the church should teach people how to love better and have better relationships overall. After all, if people have learned how to be happily married then they probably won't have much reason to get divorced. eh? Also, people who are happily married tend to be better parents. And, even if happily married isn't an option anymore-- we can still teach people to be better parents and co-parents.


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