Thursday, October 08, 2009

Some things I have realized.

He is a dreamer. He walks into places and is unsettled deep inside of him by what they are because he sees the potential for what they could be. He walks in the Spirit, in a way that fire almost burns in his eyes. When he talks to a person, he sees beyond the surface, beyond the how are you, I'm fine's and into their deepest hopes and hurts. He lives with a power that comes only from assurance in the freedom and righteousness of Christ. People alway notice that something is different about him. He speaks boldly. He is unafraid of the consequences and pursues his Lord with everything he has. He loves Jesus deeply. He hears the poetry of the story. Sometimes it moves him to tears... or at least, he understands when it moves me to tears. He feels it: the beauty of life, the immanence of the Kingdom. He understands that Jesus died to give us life now and seeks to live it to the fullest. Yet, he is a thinker. He poses hard questions. He knows what he thinks and why, yet remains willing to learn. He challenges me to continue to the next level. He awakes the dreamer inside of me and shows me that God isn't quite done with me yet. But he embraces humility. He knows that everything he has comes from his Maker. But he uses that freedom to serve others in love.

I don't know him yet. Someday, God will bring him to me. I believe this.

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