Wednesday, November 03, 2010

This is Halloween.

I love Halloween.

I know, I know. It's the most pagan of all holidays. But I really love costumes, carving pumpkins, scary movies, candy, and, of course, the occasional dance party. Call me a hedonist. This year's was delightful. Highlights included the 3rd annual roommate pumpkin carving contest as well as a dance party hosted by the junior class (unofficially). Unfortunately, in my love for celebration, I put off doing real things and then stayed up until 3 in the morning translating Greek and studying for church history. But, all's well that ends well and I did just fine on the test on Monday. Without further ado, here's some pictures:

I am not quite ready to give this up. 

Disch and I carved the fail whale. But the winners of the night were Derek and Lane with "pumpkin eating a pumpkin." Congrats!

So there you have it. There are more pictures on facebook.

Oh, and for those of you keeping score at home, costumes included: Frank from 30 Rock, a casserole disch, king of the world, french kiss, Twiggy, a cat, someone from star wars, and Dan and Leah as each other. Pumpkins included: pumpkinception, Lionel Richie, Daniel age 15, fail whale, pumpkin eating a pumpkin, and the headless horseman.

Happy holidays, ladies and gentlemen.

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