Monday, August 10, 2009

I'm not going to lie to you.

I think I might be done with the blogging thing-- at least for a while. I think twitter ruined me. I can't think of posts longer than 140 characters.

The transition back has been a little difficult. My normal lack of initiative has been blown out of proportion. Getting anything done is a very overwhelming task for me... so I just keep running away. This is probably not the best solution, but today I got some stuff done and I have good plans to continue productivity tomorrow. And all of my running away was for the cause of the kingdom, so it can't be too bad.

Went to Colorado last week to take my faves to camp. Got the worst sunburn of my life. I look like a leper and fear I will never be pretty again. But camp was good.

I am having some weird issues with God and I can't really seem to put them all into words just like I can't seem to get a check to Steve in the mail. So, maybe in the next couple of days it will all come together?

I really miss our city. I'm not doing well with responsibility.

Sometimes I wish someone would just figure out all of the details for me so I could just go love people. Oh wait, that's almost how it works. :)

I should be in bed. Fo realz.

Miss these whiteys too.


Kathy said...

Hey there, hope that things smooth out quickly for you!

Sarah said...

i love you.

will you please be my friend when i have im fat and cant remember english anymore and all i know how to say is chinese phrases such as "no, I dont want to buy a map"..

remember these things you are feeling now, I need you badly.