Sunday, November 02, 2008

I think it has something to do with Xanga.

I'll tell you, unashamedly, this is mostly for Jana, because she asked me to start blogging again so she can know about my life.

And partially, for memory, because I've never been a very good journal-er.

I guess a little bit for the G-O-D because, I would like to hope that my small indent into cyberspace might bring Him glory.

And a little piece, of course, of the reason for this blog's existence is the fact I became addicted to blogging thanks to that stinking Xanga, sometime around my freshman year of high school. It's been a while, but I admit, it still feels good. I always like blogging more than facebooks and notes just don't really cut it. :)

I'm such a nerd, but I'm ok with that.

My first real post will include some pictures of my newly-created prayer tent. :). But I have to put up the finishing touches first. Oh, and everyone is invited to come see it and spend some time in it, but if you're a boy you have to wait until Tuesday, Friday, or Saturday. Oh, OBU.

So here's to the celebration of His love!

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