Thursday, April 08, 2010

Blessed are Those Who Mourn

For they shall be comforted.

I'm in a weird season of life. It's a season of mourning-- but there's nothing really terrible happening to me. It's kind of hard to explain.

I have been confronted over and over again in the recent weeks with the world's desperate need for Jesus, often being moved to tears. This is weird for me. I'm not the stereotypical "not a crier" but I'm definitely not usually the first person to cry about something and tears are very rarely my first response to anything.

But it's been surprisingly good. I've been very aware of God's love for people. And whenever I'm confronted with someone who is running from Him, my first thought is not about their sin, but the fact that, above all, God is still pursuing their heart. Because His love for any person will always far outweigh whatever things they've tried to throw between themselves and Him. But He does not ravish, He only woos.

And so at the end of the day I rest assured that my heart is beating. And He is shaping it to look more like His. His heart hurts because of the brokenness in this world. But He is also the Comforter.

In all things, love.

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